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Indian History - A Study In Dynamics

Indian History - A Study In Dynamics

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Y A Raikar
Indian History: A Study in Dynamics

"What is the meaning of Indian History?"...
Thus we find a continuous operation of these two forces throughout the history. Such a conflict between the forces of concord and discord has a disintegrative as well as an integrative role. Hence, the "Unity in diversity" of India is a result of the interaction of these forces....

A survey of Indian history from the earliest times would reveal how closely our history follows the pattern laid down by geography, and how the vertical and horizontal developments, blended with the recurrent foreign penetration, go into the making up of the personality of India. The earliest event in Indian history, known to every student is the Indus Valley Civilization (2500 B.C.-I 500 B.C.)9 unveiled by the discovery at Mohenjo Daro. 

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